Photography InspirationPhotography is inspiring in many ways. It can help designers better appreciate colours and tones, it can inspire other photographers, and it can be an inspiration to all about the beauty of this world. Whether you are seeking inspiration for a new photography project or looking to try something new or different, you're sure to find something inspiring in this collection of ideas.

Take a look at some top tips for photographing spectacular skies. Learn everything you need to enjoy incredible views of the skies.
- 6th Feb, 2023

Looking for new ideas? This guide presents 27 photo projects to inspire you in 2023! Get ready to level up your creativity and be inspired.
- 1st Jan, 2023

10 essential wildlife photography tips that will help you get started, enhance your wildlife photography skills and get stunning results.
- 22nd Aug, 2021

Improve your skills to photograph mushrooms and fungi with this guide loaded with tips, techniques and advice for fantastic mycology photos.
- 6th Oct, 2020

Exquisitely beautiful, the butterfly is one of our most treasured insects. We guide you through the process to photograph butterflies.
- 22nd Jun, 2019

We all enjoy photography or we wouldn't be here. Here are 10 good reasons why it rocks to be a photographer and why you want to be one.
- 25th Feb, 2019

We take a look at Atmospheric Optics - Rainbows, Sundogs, and Glories and other optical effects which we can observe and photograph.
- 18th Sep, 2018

The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical sequence which is echoed in nature and it is a fascinating subject for photographic exploration.
- 24th Oct, 2017

How to photograph star trails created by taking a long exposure while the Earth's rotation makes the star travel across the sky in an arc.
- 1st May, 2009