Complete Guide to Macro Photography for Beginners

The miniature world of macro photography of insects, bugs and plants offers some of the most powerful nature photographs imaginable.

By Tim Trott | Free Photography Course | May 17, 2009
1,977 words, estimated reading time 7 minutes.
Introduction to Photography

This article is part of a series of articles. Please use the links below to navigate between the articles.

  1. Introduction to Photography Course - Definition & Types of Photography
  2. How Cameras Work and Terminology Explained for Beginners
  3. What is the Exposure Triangle and How Does It Affects Exposure?
  4. Understanding Camera Shutter Speed for Beginners
  5. Aperture and Depth of Field in Photography Explained
  6. What is Digital Photography ISO and Grain?
  7. How to Understand Camera Lenses and Focal Length
  8. Essential Photography Composition Rules To Improve Your Photos
  9. Camera Metering Modes Demystified - Which One To Use
  10. Camera Shooting and Exposure Modes Explained
  11. Complete Guide to Flash Photography for Beginners
  12. The Importance of Using Tripods in Photography
  13. What Are White Balance And Colour Temperature Camera Settings?
  14. How to Use Camera Histograms in Photography for Perfect Exposure
  15. Master These 10 Camera Settings For Your Best Photographs
  16. Why You Should Be Shooting in RAW - Reasons and Benefits Explained
  17. Essential Photo Editing Techniques to Enhance Photographs
  18. Complete Guide to Macro Photography for Beginners
  19. Beginners Landscape Photography Guide for Stunning Photos
Complete Guide to Macro Photography for Beginners

Macro photography offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of tiny details. This article will explore the art and science behind capturing breath-taking close-up images. Discover essential tips and techniques to elevate your macro photography skills to the next level.

What is Macro Photography?

The world looks very different in a closeup. When you peer through a macro lens, your appreciation for what is happening beneath your feet changes. Ordinary, everyday objects can be transformed. Potential subjects abound, although outdoor photographers are naturally more drawn to capturing the intricacies of flowering and non-flowering plants, insects and mini-beasts.

Shooting closeup does, however, present some technical challenges, but with practice, you can soon overcome these hurdles. Mastering the technique is just the beginning, though. Being able to produce technically good closeups won't satisfy your creative side for long.

Ants and Aphids
Macro Photography of Ants and Aphids

Macro photography is closeup photography of small subjects, including insects and flowers. True macro photography is photography where the subject is reproduced 1:1 or larger on the sensor (or film). This means that you must take pictures where your subject is the same size as your camera sensor or smaller, and it fills the frame. If your camera sensor is one inch wide, you would photograph something 1 inch or smaller, and it should fill the frame.

Macro Photography Equipment

In insect macro photography, closeup filters and macro lenses are essential items to complement any camera. In general, a digital camera's built-in macro capability cannot achieve a magnification good enough to capture fine details of most insects. The macro mode of most cameras requires you to be as close as 2-3 cm away from the subject. This is far too close, and most insects naturally flee when something gets this near. Zooming doesn't help either because the magnification is too small at the distance they are required to focus. You can read more about telephoto and closeup filters in my comparison of lenses and closeup filters with true macro lenses.

The Fuji S602, for example, has a maximum zoom of 210mm, and at this focal length, the lens requires a minimum distance of around 100cm to focus. At that distance, the magnification is insufficient for closeup photography. A closeup filter or macro lens can solve this problem by reducing the distance the lens requires to focus. When this distance is reduced, the magnification is increased.

Apart from closeup filters, several other equipment are used to make the image the required size. These range in price from £15 for a closeup filter to £1,500 for a top-quality macro lens, although lenses are generally around the £400 mark.

Closeup filters, available with dioptres from +1 to +10, are screw-in or slip-on attachments that provide close focusing at a very low cost. The quality is variable, with some two-element versions being excellent. This method works with cameras that have built-in lenses. These lenses, commonly called diopters, decrease the minimum focusing distance, allowing the camera to get closer to the subject. These can be stacked, but the higher the diopter, the smaller the depth of field.

Close Up Filters / Macro Filters
Close Up Filters / Macro Filters

A dedicated macro lens might be optimised to provide its best performance at a magnification of 1:1. Some macro lenses, like the Canon MP-E 65 mm f/2.8, can achieve even better magnification, up to 5:1 macro, bringing the structure of small insect eyes, snowflakes, and other minuscule but detailed objects into striking focus.

You can also place an extension tube between the camera body and the lens. The tube has no glass; its sole purpose is to move the lens farther from the film or digital sensor. The farther the lens is, the closer the focus (and the bigger the magnification). Also, less light will reach the film or sensor; therefore, a longer exposure time will be needed. Tubes of various lengths can be stacked together, allowing for increased magnification levels while working distance decreases. With tubes attached, the camera will often lose the ability to focus to infinity. A bellows attachment between the camera body and the lens will work similarly, except that a bellows extension is adjustable.

You can also attach a telephoto extender between the camera body and the lens. A 1.4x or 2x teleconverter gives a larger image, adding macro capabilities. As with an extension tube, less light will reach the film or sensor; therefore, a longer exposure time will be needed. However, the working distance remains the same as without the teleconverter.

Macro Tripod
Some tripods can get low down to be used for macro photography

Tripods can be an essential aid. They provide stability, assist focusing and allow the photographer to review and fine-tune their composition. Light and depth of field can be in short supply when working close to the subject. Tripods allow smaller apertures and slower shutter speeds without the risk of a camera shake.

Reflectors can be a great lighting aid for macro work. Using the reflector, you can angle light onto the subject. The intensity of the light can be altered by simply moving it further away. You can see the effect instantly, and they allow you to use natural light to illuminate small subjects and relieve harsh, ugly shadows. They come in different colours and reflective surfaces, too, so you can tailor the effects they generate.

A Gold reflector can be used to add warmth to a photo
A Gold reflector can be used to add warmth to a photo

Camera Settings for Macro

The depth of field is an important consideration in macro photography. This makes it essential to focus critically on the most important part of the subject. Parts of the subject that are even a millimetre closer or farther might be noticeably blurry. The field depth can be increased using a narrower aperture (f/11 or greater).

The camera's macro program is all but useless, as it only restricts the optical zoom range. I always use manual mode for closeup work as it allows me to adjust the aperture and the shutter speed.

Also, using the lowest ISO setting possible will reduce the noise and create a higher quality print, but if you are using closeup filters or extension tubes, you may need to increase the ISO to improve shutter speed.

Using a flash will illuminate the subject well, reduce shutter speed and increase the overall quality of the image, but you may only get one shot using the flash as most insects will flee. In-built flashes will almost certainly be useless - you will need a dedicated macro ring flash, which will evenly illuminate the subject without the camera body casting a shadow.

Finding and Studying a Close-up Subject

Capturing closeups with impact begins with the choice of subject. Flowers, wild or cultivated, are always popular. Non-flowering plants, including mosses, lichen, and fungi, are also photogenic, while the beauty of insects, amphibians, reptiles and other miniature creatures is only revealed closeup. By isolating key areas of detail or texture, like peeling bark, a thorn or a leaf, you can make everyday subjects appear extraordinary.

Spring is the best time of year to find subjects. The countryside, woodlands, gardens and parks will be brimming with fresh growth and life. Buds, uncurling leaves, colourful blossoms, emerging insects, and dewy cobwebs are suitable for shooting closeups.

Some insects, particularly dragonflies, are highly territorial. Take time to observe their movements. Having established where they regularly land to rest, position yourself nearby. Then, when the insect next lands, you will be ready to move into a picture-taking position, avoiding sudden moves slowly.

Photographing Insects

This requires lots of patience and practice. Don't be too disappointed when your first images are blurred and out of focus. That is if the insect stayed still long enough to photograph. Insects are very cautious and will flee at the first sign of danger. It takes a lot of practice to approach an insect without it running away.

Macro Photography of a Leaf Insect
Macro Photography of a Leaf Insect

Composition Rules to Bear In Mind

Subjects Should be Sharp and in Focus

A no-brainer on this one... essential for all photographs is to focus on the subject, but for macro photography, it is very difficult. At closeup, the depth of field is reduced to a few mm or less, so once the camera has auto-focused, any hand movement or movement of the subject will result in an out-of-focus shot. Use a shutter speed of at least 1/100 or 1/lens focal length to minimise handshake, and take the picture as soon after auto-focus success.

I have also succeeded in setting the focus to the closest and moving the camera back and forth until the subject falls into the "sweet spot". You can also get a macro tripod with a focusing rail that does exactly this.

Macro Photography of a Common Fly on a Leaf
Macro Photography of a Common Fly on a Leaf

Be Mindful of the Background

A good background should be smoothly blurred out. The effect is not difficult; it only requires a higher zoom with a lower diopter. The further the subject-to-background distance, the more blurred the background is.

The background should also make the subject stand out, so plan your shot well. Photographing a spider against a complex background will make it difficult to see; the same goes for photographing a green insect among leaves.

Garden Spider Hiding in a Tree
Garden Spider Hiding in a Tree

Composition and Framing

This is the final framing and presentation of the image. Try to get the insect to face the camera at an angle (not directly on) or a side view. Try to apply the rule of thirds to all your photographs. These simple points will enhance the image no end. Sometimes, it is not possible to apply the rule of thirds in the field; you need to focus and snap as quickly as possible before the subject flees. In these cases, you can crop images using Photoshop or similar.

Top Macro Photography Tips

Here are five top macro photography tips to help you get the perfect macro photographs.

Ensure Your Subject is Pristine

Macro photography will highlight any defect in your subject, potentially looking ugly and distracting in the final shot. Examine your subject carefully and avoid worn or damaged insects, flowers, fungi or foliage. Finding pristine subjects can be time-consuming, but it will be well spent in the long run.

Focus on the Subjects Eyes

As with portrait photography, it is important to always focus on the subject's eyes when photographing animals, insects and creepy crawlies. It's rare for an image to succeed if the subject's eyes aren't pin-sharp. Eyes are an engaging part of a face and help us to connect with the subject. It is why the eyes are one of the first things we instinctively look at.

Keep Your Camera Parallel to the Subject

In macro photography, the available depth of field is at a premium, and you often only have a few mm to play with. To maximise depth of field, keep your camera parallel to the subject. If the camera's sensor plane isn't parallel to the subject, parts of it will drift out of focus.

You can also try shooting your subject from above. An overhead perspective looking directly down on the subject can produce creative effects that alter our perception of the subject and distort scale. It can also highlight the subject's shape and form and turn it into a more abstract interpretation.

Backlighting your Subject is Best

The direction of lighting will greatly influence your photos' look, feel and mood. Backlighting is the most dramatic form of light, where the subject is lit from behind. Backlighting works particularly well with translucent subjects, like petals, foliage, insect wings and water droplets. The light which passes through the subject reveals fine detail, such as the tiny intricate veins of a leaf.

Respect Your Subject Welfare

When shooting natural subjects such as insects, beetles, spiders, reptiles, wild plants and flowers, always place the subject's welfare first. Try not to disturb your subject, and be careful where you tread. Whilst tempting to get a better shot, don't cut or pick flowers. Be careful not to squish anything when kneeling or lying down.

I hope you have found this interesting enough to give it a go and let me know how you get on!

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  1. LE

    On Tuesday 25th of February 2020, Les said

    Thank you very much for your article.
    A lot of great information for a newbie

  2. RA

    On Friday 23rd of October 2009, Rasyid said

    Thanks for the tutorial.